Intersections of 3 Abrahamic Faiths
With God on Our Side: From Rivalry to Reconciliation
http://interfaithradio.org/Archive/2013-June/With_God_on_Our_Side__From_Rivalry_to_Reconciliationor download mp3 file to take along and listen to,
glimpse of God - online movie "Overview"
comparing translations of Bible verses
Besides English versions of the Bible to compare, other languages are there, too; for example the Hawai'ian pidgin version of "God is love" from 1 John 4:16:
Numba 1 From John 4:16
Da way God stay, he everytime get love an aloha fo everybody. Whoeva get love an aloha, dey stay tight wit God, an God stay tight wit dem too.
Shabbat for the trees
jrichman ATjr.co.il
Tu B'Shvat, the New Year for Trees, falls on the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shvat, January 26 this year (5773 / 2013).
This Jewish mini-holiday is of major importance to our appreciation of Nature and our relationship to it.
It is customary to plant trees and partake of the fruits of the land of Israel to mark the occasion. This year, Tu B'Shvat falls on Shabbat,
therefore, many of the holiday activities this year will take place on Thursday, January 24.
The Jewish Trivia Quiz: Tu B'Shvat, http://www.jewish-trivia.com
Which fruit is used to make wine ?
When did Kabbalists originate the Tu B'shvat Seder ?
How many glasses of wine are drunk at the Tu B'Shvat seder ?
What branch of a tree did the dove bring back after the flood ?
How many days does the Hebrew month of Shvat have ?
What is associated with both Chanukah and Tu B'Shvat ?
In Israel, what happens to trees starting on the 15th of Shvat ?
Since 1901, how many trees has the Jewish National Fund planted in Israel ?
According to the Torah, which fruits did the spies bring to the children of Israel in the wilderness ?
<< examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz >>
45 Cool Tu B'Shvat Videos, http://www.jr.co.il/videos/tu-bshvat-videos.htm
To learn more about Tu B'Shvat, I posted on my website 48 links about Tu B'Shvat, ranging from history and customs to graphics and
recipes. http://www.jr.co.il/hotsites/j-hdaytu.htm
Shabbat Shalom,
parables are still a fun way to learn
visual context - photos of Israel's National Trail
pizzas 2012 November
practicing Hebrew - what does it sound & taste like?
Jerusalem Day
The Jewish Trivia Quiz, http://www.jewish-trivia.com has over 100 multiple choice questions about Jerusalem.
Who built the first temple ?
How many people were involved in constructing the first temple ?
What are the colors of the Jerusalem Beitar soccer team ?
Which animal is on the emblem of the Municipality of Jerusalem ?
What three Jewish holidays is Jerusalem the focal point ?
How long ago was Jerusalem established ?
On what mountain was King David buried ?
How high is Jerusalem above sea level ?
What is the name of the famous art school in Jerusalem ?
What is the length of the wall surrounding the old city ?
When was Hebrew University established ?
Which group defended Jerusalem in 1948 ?
How many open gates does the old city of Jerusalem have ?
What is the name of the largest shopping mall in Jerusalem ?
Who was the first mayor of Jerusalem ?
What was Jerusalem called in the days of Abraham our patriarch ?
The above questions are examples from the multiple choice Flash quiz. There are two levels of questions and two timer
settings. Adults and children will find The Jewish Trivia Quiz entertaining and educational.
To learn more about Jerusalem, I posted on my website 222 links, ranging from history and tourism to photographs and stamps.
The web address is http://www.jr.co.il/hotsites/i-jer.htm
I also posted links to 49 Youtube videos about Jerusalem at http://www.jr.co.il/videos/jerusalem-videos.htm
NAPF 2012. Plains Indian Lives, Livelihood and Legacies today
fund-raiser assistance 3.17
Several youth and parents worked to produce a boiled dinner for St. Patrick's Day up at Alma for a little girl in need of all sort of medical equipment. Drawing on the several food events we have conducted, we took this one on. About 200 people paid for dinner of corned beef, cabbbage, along with extras: potato, carrot and onion.
New Testament in chronological order
visit to neighboring Catholic Church
superbowlsubs 2012 x250
This year marks maybe the 39th or 40th year of making this fundraiser work!
try Hebrew sound/feeling (proverbs/sayings)
visit to the Bharatiya Temple
early October visit to mid-Michigan Bharatiya Hindu Temple
Much of the celebration involves dance, too, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garba_(dance)
Basic garba lesson (the main instructions are in English) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBUwRvtdjUo
glimpse of the Jewish year - Rosh Hashana coming up
Rosh Hashana Cool Videos, http://www.jr.co.il/videos/rosh-hashana-videos.htm
The list has 131 cool Rosh HaShana videos.There is something for everyone
Hindu conversations (Interfaith Voices, August 30, 2011)
The Hindu Divine: One God, Many Faces
Most Hindus believe there is only one true god, Brahman. But this supreme spirit takes many shapes; millions, in fact. There's Durga, the warrior goddess with many arms; Ganesha, the god of good fortune with the head of an elephant; and Kali, the blue goddess of time who wears a garland of human heads - just to name a few. This week we listen back to our March interview on the brilliant Hindu pantheon. FULL STORY, http://interfaithradio.org/node/1771V.V. Raman, professor emeritus of physics and humanities at the Rochester Institute of Technology
on radio: St. Paul was not a Christian; Jews & Jesus; Sampling Religions
=-=-=-= Interfaith Voices, Listen to our full interview
Jews, Jesus and the Stain of Deicide
In early March, the Pope published a book renouncing the idea that the Jewish people are responsible for the death of Christ. Though the story has been officially rejected by the Catholic Church since the 1960s, it never quite went away. Much of the myth derives from one line in the Gospel of Matthew, attributed to the Jewish crowd at the trial of Jesus: "Let his blood be on us and on our children." For those who read the Bible literally, it casts a stain of deicide — of killing a god — on Jews for all eternity.To explore the roots of this story, and its consequences, we turn to James Carroll. He's one of the world's leading scholars on anti-Semitism and he has written the definitive book on the topic. Our story first aired in March 2011.
>>> James Carroll, author of "Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews: A History" and "Jerusalem, Jerusalem: How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World"
Paul the Jew
Begins at 22 min 30 sec
Many people trace the roots of anti-Semitism back to a single moment: St. Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. That's when, according to traditional teachings, Paul rejected his Judaism for the new, improved version: Christianity. Bible scholar Pamela Eisenbaum says this interpretation of Paul is not only wrong, it's dangerous. She spoke to Laura Kwerel in October 2009.>>> Pamela Eisenbaum, author of "Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle"
Project Conversion: Muslim Edition
Begins at 31 min 36 sec
Becoming an honorary Muslim - during Ramadan no less - was a hard at first. No food and drink during a heat wave in his hometown of North Carolina. Praying fives times a day. And growing out a beard - despite the objections of his wife- to follow the example of Muhammad. But he also experienced a profound, radically different understanding of what it means to be Muslim in America.>>> Andrew Bowen, creator of Project Conversion
summer service led by youth
bound for NAPF 2011 in Arizona
Bible quiz (Jewish viewpoint)
1,174 new questions added to the online Bible Quiz at: http://www.bible-quiz.co.il
The new questions are about:
Yehoshua (Joshua), Shoftim (Judges), Shmuel I (Samuel I),
Shmuel II (Samuel II), Melachim I (Kings I), Melachim II (Kings II)
The, free, online Bible Quiz contains 4,327 multiple choice questions about the 5 books of Moses and 6 books of Prophets.
Choose a chapter and timer setting, then the fun begins.
The quiz, randomly, selects questions from its database, thus no two quizes are alike. There is, also, a database browser for reviewing and printing the questions with the correct answers. Adults, as well as children will find the quiz entertaining and very educational.
the Submarine Sandwich sub-building 2011
help to set up & serve "2010 Christmas" for baby pantry
glimpse of pilgrim trial via Netherlands to N. America
tells a little about the remains of a 14th century church where pilgrims and other religious minorities found refuge in 1600: map, photo and links
many pizzas in September
talk/write, This I Believe (sets of essays by theme)
Jewish American Experience
a) The Hebrew Hammer [reworking of tradition by youth today; pop-culture]
A young Mordechai Jefferson Carver, who will grow up to become the Hebrew Hammer. At school, Mordechai is tormented by his fellow students and his ...
b) Rapper M.Miller a.k.a. MATISYAHU [praising God with reggae beat]
Matisyahu - King Without A Crown
Jerusalem resources
Jerusalem Day is celebrated on the 28th of the Hebrew month
of Iyar. This year (5770 / 2010) the day falls on Wednesday,
May 12th.
-see also
The Jewish Trivia Quiz, http://www.jewish-trivia.com
has over 100 multiple choice questions about Jerusalem.
on the radio - good discussions; authors
April 25, 2010 Diarmaid MacCulloch is the author of a new book that chronicles the complete history of the followers of Jesus Christ, starting a millennium before Jesus' birth.
[National Public Radio, Weekend/Sunday morning]
Is There an Interfaith God?
We’ve heard the mantra so often that it can seem like obvious truth: all religious paths lead, ultimately, to one God — to one great universal.
Since the 1960s — and even before that — it’s been the great message and hope of open-minded believers seeking peace and unity.
But my guest today says “no.” God, says scholar of religion Stephen Prothero, is not one. All paths do not lead to the same “cosmic mountaintop.”
And if we pretend otherwise, Prothero says, we may be stuck with the opposite of peace and understanding. --- So, who’s right?
welcoming the Sabbath
visit to the Islamic Center of Greater Lansing, April 2
Hebrew learning
The Hebrew Language website is a collection of free Internet resources to learn Hebrew.
If you search on the word "Hebrew" in Google, you will get over 90 million results. I spent many hours compiling the Hebrew
Language website but I did not go through all 90 million sites. If you find a site that has good content and it is free, please
send me the site address and I will consider adding it. Please do not send me sites that have more ads than content.
Jacob Richman, jrichman ATjr.co.il
radio stories, The Really Big Questions
The show for March 22, 2010 -Can Science Explain Why We Believe [evolutionary or chemical basis for religion?]