
welcoming the Sabbath

Visit to MSU Hillel to see the student life center and take part in the Shabbat worship service, followed by "Italian Shabbat" of matso soup, tossed salad, spaghetti with meat balls and then apple kugel for dessert. Since the post-Passover numbers were lower than usual among the campus community, the usual Reformed and Conservative services were combined, but mostly followed in Hebrew.

Several impressions:

-People have worshipped along these lines for maybe 5,000 years

-Here is an ancient way to praise God; but here also is a modern way to praise God

-One's mortal goals include to obey, love and get closer to God's will, be a good person as well to one's fellows

-So many facets of events the last many generations have been connected to Judaism

-Much strife stems from forgetting the basic fact that all 3 Abrahamic religions worship the same God.

-The sense of belonging and the work of being God's people is palpable and meaningful.

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